The support programMyPetEducation Pro
The quality certification was issued under the following class(es) of actions:
Our MyPetEducation Support Method is based on 6 pillars:
The theoretical part and knowledge of the dog to understand what a dog is, how it works and communicates
The dog training part
The dressage part
The behavioral part
Practice in real situations with dogs in order to have concrete experience before the end of your training
Management and customer relations to understand and support owners in order to bring them results
Our trainers aredog trainersbehavioristand olddog trainerhaving severaldecades of experience.
They created this program to provide you with all the knowledge necessary to educate and train any dog.
In addition to this essential theoretical knowledge, you will have access to:
Video case studies from their experiences.
Methodologies for preparing education sessions.
Real practice to train you.
Advice for managing customers according to their type.
Recommendations of tools and equipment to follow the training in the best conditions.
Our mission :
Our mission is to offer support and an incredible experience to owners in difficulty as well as a positive and caring education for their dog. We believe that an informed, prepared and accompanied master allows him to be more confident and autonomous with his dog. Although we have a relaxed and friendly attitude, we are completely dedicated to the education and well-being of dogs.
We are dog lovers
We carry out individual and personalized lessons at home and by video consultation to help masters understand, communicate and interact with their dog.
Our duty: To advise, inform and train each owner in order to ensure a good life together.
MyPetEducation works with a positive education method, an approach that focuses on motivating the dog to ensure its physical, emotional and intellectual well-being. We believe that taking the time to train each master is essential in order to live in a healthy and respectful way with a dog.
You will be trained to learn our Canine Education Method as well as apply it with the future dog masters you will accompany
The content of the Support programMyPetEducation Pro:
The MyPetEducation Pro support program is divided into 2 parts.
En ligne : 180 heures A- Connaissances générales du chien: 20h → Définition du chien → Historique (Les origines, domestication) → Phase prénatale, phase néonatale, phase de transition → Les 5 sens et le mode de communication → Les signaux d’apaisements, la socialisation → Anatomie externe du chien → Les périodes sensibles → Races → Législation et transports ( ICAD, LOF, catégorisation, morsures et fugues) B-Santé du chien: 10h → Véto → Nutrition, Hygiène → Zootechnie C- Éthologie et comportement du chien: 60h → Ethogramme du chien Les apprentissages, la gestion du stress → Les peurs et les phobies → Les syndromes d'anxiété et de dépression → Les troubles de l’adulte, les troubles du chien âgé → La gestion des comportements déviants → Les outils en thérapie canine, les traitements canins D- Dressage: 60h → L’éducateur canin et la sécurité, les qualités de l’éducateur canin, la familiarisation → La détente → Les principes généraux de dressage,le conditionnement → Les lois de l’entraînement → La motivation → Le dressage de base → Mission d’entrainement, contrôle et déconditionnement → L’agressivité E- Éducation canine: 20h → Les méthodes à utiliser → Le matériel à avoir -Comment faire un diagnostic physique et comportementale -Rééducation → Exercices à mettre en place F-Typologie clients: 10h → Comment connaître et gérer les différents types de client -L’humain et ses habitudes
En présentiel : 9 jours A- Connaissances générales du chien: (1er journée) → Les origines, la domestication, les périodes sensibles B- Comportement du chien: (2éme journée) → Etudes de cas, diagnostic → Les apprentissages, la gestion du stress → Les peurs et les phobies → Les syndromes d'anxiété et de dépression (3éme journée) → Les troubles de l’adulte, les troubles du chien âgé → La gestion des comportements déviants → Les outils en thérapie canine, les traitements canins C- Éducation du chien (4ème journée) → Étude du milieu, du foyer, du matériel, nourriture → Sécurité → Les différentes méthodes → Les apprentissages de base → Les apprentissages complexes → Méthodologie → Rééducation D-Dressage (5ème journée) → Les qualités requises d’un bon dresseur → Les moments de détente → Les lois du dressage → Les lois d'entraînement Comment désensibiliser un chien (saturation et frustration) (6ème journée) → Loi de la motivation. → Éléments déclencheurs → Apprendre à construire une séance de travail → Gestion d’un chien agressif → La ligne critique, la ligne de fuite E- Mise en pratique/ études de cas: (7ème journée) → Mise en pratique avec des chiens -Apprentissage de l’obéissance (assis, couché, debout, pas bouger, marche en laisse, rappel) (8ème journée) → Obéissance poussée, socialisation F-Typologie clients/ psychologie humaine: (1 jour) → Mise en scène → Comment connaître et gérer les différents types de client → L’humain et ces habitudes **Examen écrit**
Educational objectives:
Training professionals in dog technology
Train professionals to advise, inform and train dog owners
Audiences concerned:
The trainee must be of legal age
Teaching methods:
Remote and face-to-face
Targeted skills :
Train a dog, Re-educate a dog, Train a dog
Establish a behavioral diagnosis
Advise, train and inform dog owners
Safeguard the dog, the owner and the professional
Teaching means:
Online course support, face-to-face practical cases, video
Methods used:
Alternation of practice and theory
Assessment methods:
Written exam
Place :
Tour Atlantique, 1 Pl. de la Pyramide, 92800 Puteaux within the cocoon space premises.
180 hours of online training, and 63 hours face-to-face, 7 hours a day over 9 days
4200€/TTC, teaching fees included
Contact :
Administrative referent/Contact person:

Mrs. Maela Descamps
Mobile: 07 77 68 40 99
Pettalk Education
Training provider
Activity declaration number: 11756364175
19 Ave Leopold II, Paris 75016
Terms and times of access:
Documents required before starting training: identity card
The estimated duration between the beneficiary's request and the start of the service is one month according to the training schedules
Accessibility for people with disabilities:
Contact us: 07 77 68 40 99
Resources during the program:
Supervision means implemented:
Participant welcome booklet
Rules of procedure
Hot evaluation
Cold evaluation
Teaching means:
Role play game
MCQ online
Technical means :
Video projector
Appropriate computers and software
Program evaluation and validation:
Written exam concerning the three parts "Canine education, behavior and training" to be taken at the end of the face-to-face training over one day with a professional jury and multiple choice questions for the online part.
Supplementary information :
Maximum total number of participants: 12
Date of the session: from January 7, 2022 to March 11, 2022 (ended)
Next sessions: August, November
Number of days: 9 days
Duration of training per trainee: 185 hours online + 9 days face-to-face
Training hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a midday break from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Location of the training: Cocoon, 1 place de la Pyramide, 92800 Puteaux